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Legal Aid urges Federal Government to make long term investment in legal assistance

National Legal Aid welcomes indexation of National Legal Assistance Partnership (NLAP) core funding and the announcement of funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, Family Violence Prevention Legal Services and Community Legal Centres to address workforce gaps. The legal assistance sector is in crisis and this funding will contribute to ensuring that vital services continue to be provided in the community.

Release of legal assistance data good first step in better understanding access to justice

National Legal Aid welcomes the first ever release of national legal assistance data by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as an important first step in providing the full picture of access to justice in Australia.

National Legal Aid webinar: The crucial role of legal assistance for gender equality

NLA hosted a webinar to mark International Women’s Day alongside Family Violence Prevention Services Forum and Women’s Legal Services Australia. Keynote speaker Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine, CEO Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), and a legal assistance sector panel highlighted the important role that legal assistance services play in supporting victim/survivors of domestic and family violence, First Nations communities, and resolved that the sector needs to further advocate for gender equality in the legal assistance sector.

Continuation of vital family law funding welcomed

National Legal Aid (NLA) has welcomed the MYEFO commitment to providing $17.1 million to Legal Aid Commissions across Australia in recognition of the ongoing impact of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) reforms.

A huge step forward in access to justice in discrimination claims

The Power to Prevent Coalition welcomes the costs reforms introduced in parliament on 15 November 2023 by the Attorney General, The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC. The Bill will implement recommendation 25 of the Respect@Work Report.

First for Australia in discrimination law – legal costs risks to be reduced for those experiencing workplace discrimination and sexual harassment

The Attorney General, The Hon Mark Drehttp://media-anti-discrimyfus KC, has this month introduced a bill that aims to remove financial barriers that prevent victims of workplace discrimination and sexual harassment from seeking justice. This is a breakthrough development for victim-survivor rights to legal justice, and a significant change from the changes being considered by Government 12 months ago.

New research shows Legal Aid on the brink of failure amid rising demand

National Legal Aid commissioned Impact Economics to provide updated modelling of the 2014 Productivity Commission Access to Justice Report recommendations as they pertain to Legal Aid. This report – Justice on the Brink – estimates that an increase of $484 million in Legal Aid funding per year is required to address the gaps identified in the Productivity Commission Report.

National Legal Aid welcomes the passing of the Family Law Amendment Bill 2023

National Legal Aid welcomes the passing of the Family Law Amendment Bill in Parliament today.

First Nations voices at the centre of With You Training

First Nations lawyers, psychologists and people with a lived experience of trauma gather to ensure First Nations voices are at the centre of With You Training.

Robodebt report highlights the connection between the public good and legal assistance

National Legal Aid welcomes the final report of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme and calls for the implementation of all 57 recommendations including a review of funding for legal assistance.

Legal assistance review is the opportunity to deliver access to justice as demand grows during tough times

Australia’s leading legal assistance and peak professional representative bodies are calling on the Commonwealth Government to keep justice within reach of our most disadvantaged, ahead of its mid-cycle review of funding for legal assistance services.

Legal assistance services look to the National Legal Assistance partnership Review as an opportunity for vital investment

National Legal Aid welcomes the significant Budget commitment to ending violence against women and children and its focus on ending violence against First Nations women and children.

Family Law changes are supported by key legal assistance services

National Legal Aid has joined with Women’s Legal Services Australia in support of the Family Law Amendment Bill.

NLA supports findings of the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor’s Review

National Legal Aid supports the findings of the Independent National Security Monitor’s Review and calls for urgent consideration of its recommendations.

Time for equal access in discrimination claims

A majority of National Legal Aid members are supporters of the Power2Prevent statement calling for equal access in discrimination claims.

Free counselling, advocacy and legal support critical to supporting people with disability

For more than 3 years people with disability and their supporters across Australia have had access to free counselling, advocacy and legal services to ensure they can safely take part in the Disability Royal Commission and share their lived and living experiences of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. Your Story Disability Legal Support (Your Story) has received over 10,000 enquiries and delivered more than 13,000 accessible legal services since the inquiry was established in September 2019.

Report finds legal aid delivers $600m in savings amid funding call

The provision of legal aid delivers $600 million in savings to the public and government, according to a new report highlighting the critical need for funding amid increased demand for services.

National Legal Aid submission to the Disability Royal Commission – factsheet

NLA has made a submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
Download the Word version.

Legal Aid funding will help keep women and children escaping family violence safe

NLA has welcomed the confirmation of ongoing additional funding for legal assistance within the family law system.

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