Defence & Veterans Legal Service

Defence & Veterans Legal Service ( is a free national service that provides independent information and legal advice to support Australian Defence Force personnel and veterans, as well as their families, carers and supporters, to safely share their experiences with the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.

The service is independent and separate from the Royal Commission, the Department of Defence, and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

We can help you understand your legal rights and options for sharing your experiences with the Royal Commission. We can also connect you with other services, including free counselling.

Executive Summary of the Independent Evaluation of the Defence and Veterans Legal Service March 2024

Maylea Consulting was engaged to evaluate the Defence and Veterans Legal Service (DAVLS), finding it to be highly valued by both clients and stakeholders, having successfully achieved its program objectives. It has been effective in providing legal advice, information, and referrals to individuals engaging with the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide (RCDVS) and delivering services that are independent, trauma-informed, culturally safe, and accessible nationally.

Download the report

Defence and Veterans Legal Service to cease operations on 30 September 2024

Unfortunately, ongoing funding for DAVLS was not included in the Federal Budget. Whilst National Legal Aid will continue to advocate for a national veterans legal service model as part of the National Legal Assistance Partnership [the Federal Government legal assistance funding mechanism] renegotiations during 2024/25, it has been decided that should ongoing funding not be forthcoming by 30 September 2024, then the service will cease operation.

This would be a very disappointing outcome, given the achievements of DAVLS, however, it has been agreed that it is important to provide certainty to staff, clients and stakeholders as early as possible.

We thank all staff, stakeholders and clients of DAVLS for their commitment and care in developing and delivering the service. Please find a link to the National Legal Aid statement here.

Where can I get more information?

Visit Defence & Veterans Legal Service at